- I had some deep heated discussion regarding essence of time, deep work, garnering interests with Belove dai. This left a deep impact on me and has basically caused me to rethink my goals. The deepest insight was hidden behind the philosophy of palmer luckey, who built Oculus and currently founder of Anduril industries. It’s “The Reverse Engineering Effect” . Define end goals with clarity to identify the exact steps or actions required to achieve the goal. Apply 80-20 rule to all interesting stuff and only drill down to give 80% effort for extra 20% for the path that aligns with end goal.
- There was announcement of Tech discussion by Government and one of my friend was also invited into that event. His main focus point was preliminary discussion regarding state of web3, blockchain and legalities around it. We basically wanted to understand what the general consensus around Alpen labs regarding the question, “How could government leverage bitcoin and other web3 solutions to its advantage”. Looking at Bhutan gives a good idea. They have been mining bitcoin with their hydro resources. Nepal has enormous hydropower capacity. All these surplus energy can directly be converted to bitcoin. Well, my friend went to the event. The aftermath of the event grounded us to the reality of these bogus discussions. These middle men who are entrusted to such discussion are oblivious to the tech. This is never going to see the light of the day in to be proposed IT Bill. However concrete numbers might speak. This has given me idea about what my next blog post could be, “Investigating Nepal’s Bitcoin Mining potential”. Lowballing the costs, resources and giving the breakeven analysis with prospect for these middleman to earn millions might be the way to go.
- Jan 22: Ross Ulbricht is free. The guy was punished because he created the marketplace called “Silk Road”. He represented the core philosophy of “Strong cryptography is really free and beyond the shackles of the government”. His only mistake was he created a truly free marketplace. He is a optimistic developer who sings the song of freedom as much as the blue skies above us does. Ross changed bitcoin forever. Current ATH high sails of 100k per BTC is somewhat because of Ross. Ross has redefined finance. Ross has redefined Radical freedom. The freedom to trade anything with anyone else so as long was it is peaceful and voluntary.
- Ben Sigman tweet on Ross Ulbricht
- Who Deserves this - Ross himself I am happy Ross is free
- Artificial Intelligence Revolution is such a beautiful take on what is to come as the consequences of AI. Three things has stuck with me.
- The advancement we had from 2000 to 2014 is as much as the advancement we had in last century. This just means to say that Technological advancements are exponential. 20th century laid a lot of groundworks like Transistor, networking, meds, nuclear power etc. But 2000s commoditized it to the exponential scale. Moore’s law doesn’t seem to stop. But there is a deep philosophical question, regarding if technological advancement means advancement of humanity? I encountered question this in the blog Sam Altman is not a blithering idiot. The blog basically discusses “Given that one could time travel and take two piece of tech and you chose iPad and internet. Is iPad in 1950s with internet better than iPad today, or let’s go one step further at the time of dinasaurs. Our basic human needs remains the same.” But The Maslow hierarchy of needs might need some redefinition here, because we might not need them food, water , warmth in coming future. What we are about to enter is advancement in humanity
- We are used to seeing technological graphs that are smooth . But advancement happens in S curve. There is advancement but also plateaus time to time
- What we are about to see is machines improving themselves. When AI reaches the level of Einstein or his equivalent in every field. The next iteration of improvement would be beyond the brightest mind in this world. Around 20th iteration it would maybe be able to create things out of whim. It would do unimaginable things that we can’t fathom. The author of blog gives example about How monkeys understand the concept of high rise buildings like humans do but it doesn’t have intellectual capacity to understand that it was humans who built it or doesn’t understand the point of buildings.We will be in similar place. But computer is not limited like our biological system which runs about 20000 Hz . Computers work in GHz. Moore’s law will never ever be broken.
- Read “Singularity is Near” by Ray Kurzweil.
- One of our new member who joined as the Head of marketing has written the following in his Intro. This is in context of bitcoin
“Number goes up is always amazing but it’t not everything for me. I think at the end of my life I’d be more happy with my contributions to crypto if Bitcoin dipped to $1 but fulfilled the original promise of being money for the world.”
- Varian Rule holds that " A simple way to forecast the future is to look at what rich people have today".
- So DeepSeek was released this week. This is open source, trained with only 2M GPU compute hours and is on subpar level of current top notch models like
. Open source has caught up and is threatening the moat of AI companies.