This post discusses how to install rust on linux. Well installation process is pretty simple but sometimes minimal distribution like Arch maynot bundle the linker and rustup (a tool used to install and manage rust installation) also doesn’t include linker
Build Essential contains Linker
Rust doesn’t include linker (which is required for generating execuatable ) on its installer. To install the linker, first check the type of distro you have
$ uname -a
Linux cdjk 5.13.13-1-MANJARO 1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 26 20:34:21 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Mine is manjaro which is arch based system. But i have provided instruction for both arch and debian based systems.
- for arch based distro :
sudo pacman -S base-devel
- for debian based distro:
sudo apt install build-essential
perform update
- for arch based distro :
sudo pacman -Syy
- for debian based distro:
sudo apt update
install Rust
you can head to the and grab the curl command for rustup or just copy
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
follow the instructions then after installation check
$ cargo -v
$ rustc -v
If version number shows then your installation was successful.