Let’s hack the fx-991es calculator. Precisely we are exploiting the Buffer Overflow technique and doing some stuff {TODO}.Let me be clear that the calculator is a computer anyways. Buckle up as weare going to dive deep into some Computer Architecture.
Basics of fx-991es
Don’t get afraid of fancy words or fancy figures. After all they are the simple chain of concepts hidden behind some characters.
- Chip: nX-u8 Series chip. Manual Here
- Architecture: Super Harvard
CPU Resources and Programming Model : In Gajju We Trust
General Architecture
Most modern computer architecture follow the Vonn Neumann Architecture. This means you have a single stick of RAM that contains both the code and data within it. But as mentioned earlier nx-u8 is harvard based architecture. This means it has seperate code and data space to work on. When reading the manual i figured out that, there are two address spaces:
- 512KB for code space
- 16MB for data space.
All the spaces are divided into physical segment of 64 kilobytes.
Registers are the fastest piece of storage the CPU has access to.
We care only about Program Counter and Link Registers.
Program counter holds the address for the next instruction to execute.
Link Registers saves the contents of the program counter (PC) during subroutines/function calls and Interrupts. We only care about the first one called LR which is for Subroutine Call.
Memory Model Revised
Let me reinformthat this is harvard architecture, you have different space for code and different space for memory.
- 512KB of codespace and the code space word length is 16bits.
- 16MB of data space and the data memory word length is 8bits.
Word length is the array of bits that a single address specify.
The Memory map we are concerned with is data memory which contains ROM and RAM. According to casio calc wikidot the memory map is as follows
The notation followed is
segment: hex_value
. Segment is basically collection of many addresses
0:0x0000h - 0:0x7FFFh
The address starting from 0x000h till 0x7FFFh is the ROM. For the purpose of the tutorial, we don’t care about ROM
0:0x8000h 0:0x8DFFh
There are 3,583 addressable words. This means =
3583 x 8bits = 28664bits
of RAM is available to us. But more importantly RAM is again divided into sub segments.-
Input Area:
[0x8154 .. 0x81B8]
(total of 100 bytes) : Input Area stores whatever you type in calculator, from numbers to formulaes. -
Cache Area(Buffer Area):
[0x81B8 .. 0x821C]
(total of 100 bytes) : Cache Area stores the previous buffer if you press AC so that you can go backgward withReplay Button
, the big circle one on center near the screen
Let’s start Hacking
Grab your Fx-991es calculator. Before we start hacking, let’s define the button convention
as there are lots of buttons.
Anything within [
means you have to exactly press the button. Example
Reaching the Null Terminator
Start by entering LineIO mode -
Enter the following formula X =
[SHIFT] [logab] X , 1 , 10 ^ 9
Start the calculation by entering
and stop it with[AC]
on a rounded button. Now replace the last parameter with 2 ([DEL] [DEL] [DEL] 2
) -
Start calculation with
=, you should get and error -
now when you will press
your cursor should be at the start of the expression, if you press anything you will see that nothing changes, that is because we reached the null terminator
Significance of Null terminator
So, expression in the calculator is stored on the input buffer, once [AC]
is pressed then the contents of input buffer
is copied to cache buffer
The copying is done till Null terminator
. If there is no Null terminator
then the Calculator will keep on copying until the end of RAM. This is the big vulnerability…..
Normally it’s not a problem because the calculator ensures that the input buffer is always null terminated, so it will not overflow… But what if we could overwrite the Null
terminator ?
The possibilities are endless….
Remember that when
is pressed then the contents ofcache buffer
is copied toinput buffer
Full flow
- So we know how to reach the null terminator, what else we could ask for.
What is Return Oriented Programming
ROP(Return Oriented Programming) btw is not related to the image above.
Big Spoiler
You can’t directly program it…. well, all these architecture shenanigans were there because we are ROPPING(Return Oriented Programming)