Digital ocean allows you to just host the postgres database through it’s postgreSQL management tools but this tutorial is for those who wants to setup on their droplet machine. This assumes that you are on Ubuntu Machine
Step 1 - Install PostgreSQL
sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgres postgresql-contrib
sudo systemctl start postgresql
Step 2 - Posgres Roles and Databases
- Switch to postgres account and run PSQL prompt
sudo -u postgres psql
- Exit out of the prompt by typing
postgres=# \q
Step 3: Crate new User
sudo adduser voidash
Step 4 - Create new Role
Rolename should be same as user as per convention, same goes for database
sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive
Type all the details
Enter name of role to add: voidash
and other details
Step 5 - Create new database
sudo -u postgres createdb voidash
Step 6 - Get to PSQL prompt from new user
sudo -u voidash psql
voidash=# \c
You are connected to database "voidash" as user "voidash"
Step 7 - Find the configuration file
sudo -u voidash psql -c 'SHOW config_file'
(1 row)
modify the config file
vim /etc/postgresql/15/main/postgresql.conf
Uncomment the listen_addresses, remove #
in front
listen_addresses = "*"
modify pg_hba.conf
vim /etc/postgresql/15/main/pg_hba.conf
Add the following line on top of the file
host all all scram-sha-256
Step 8 - Test the stuff
psql -h <droplet-ip> -p 5432 -U voidash voidash